Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Oh, I wish...I wish..I wish

that we could win FREE tickets to see Santa at Hard Rock this year. We had so much fun last year :) Our Kids is giving away free tickets so sign up today (but please let us win)!

Our Kids Hard Rock Brunch with Santa Link

Monday, November 15, 2010


November being the month of giving thanks, we have been speaking of the things we are thankful for at church recently. I am thankful for so many things. Strangely I am ever more thankful for most things in my life since I was laid off, now more than 2 years ago. That was a life changing experience for me, not only because it made me evaluate the budget time and time again but it flipped my perspective to looking at the things that I DO HAVE and not the things that I do not. I've always been a frugal person. From the time I was small, I'd save any money that I earned and in fact, I'd even say I hoarded it! Those are tales for another time :)
This week's lesson at church was about how no matter how much we have, we can never be happy...we always want more. I'll admit, I have my moments. The current one being that I want our house to feel like a home and that means buying furniture, painting walls, home improvements...all requiring more. More time, more money...just more.
Today I just want to be thankful for today. Thankful that I got to wake up to my two (I mean three!) boys. Thankful that I can be at home with them. Thankful for walking Cole into preschool and watching the cuteness of him and his classmates as they begin their school day together. Thankful for Brooksy's 5th tooth for finally appearing! Thankful for the past weekend when we got to spend lots of quality time together at the park and at Great Falls. Thankful for our word's beauty.