Tuesday, May 27, 2008

"Mommy Fight..."

"...Daddy go to hockey, " says Cole. I do believe that was his first 4 word phrase! Last night as Craig prepared his hockey gear for his game, Cole went over to his bag and kept repeating a phrase. I had no idea what he was saying until Craig translated..."Mommy Fight". Huh? I was still lost. Then it became clear...he wanted Craig's hockey gloves so that he could chase after me and "fight"! What a silly little boy :)
Cole is as much of a boy as ever. He has 2 skinned knees and a skinned nose and chin to match. Silly me thought I was going to get the opportunity to take his 2 year-old pictures this weekend.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Favorite Things Installment 2

What a May we have had so far! We've celebrated Cole's birthday to no end with cake on Tuesday afternoon, Tuesday evening, Friday night and finally again on Saturday afternoon at a combined birthday party for Cole and his cousin Blake in PA. One of Cole's favorite gifts was a battery-operated bubble blower. Wow can this thing put out some bubbles! 5000 per minute I think it says! Anyway, he loves to chase and pop them and of course with that many bubbles flying around, it leads to one busy toddler :)

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Oh Happy Day

Cole is 2 today! Wow it's so hard to believe that our little ball of joy is now a racing, babbling toddler and that he's been in our lives for 2 years (longer actually!). Cole is spending the day with his maw maw and cousin Emmy. I can't wait to get home from work and give him a big, fat kiss...and a balloon. We're keeping it low key as far as celebrations go but there will be cake for sure. We'll post photos of that soon. For now, here's another from the beach. Cole had so much fun in the icy cold waters of the Outer Banks.

Friday, May 02, 2008

Beachin' It

We've spent the week at the beach celebrating Scott and Allison's wedding and having a little fun on the beach too. We'll write more later but just wanted to say hi to all and share this pic.