Christmas was full of excitement this year. The kids could barely contain themselves on Christmas morning and Cole's expression was priceless when he finally figured out that the plain cardboard box actually held the DS that he had asked Santa for. He hasn't put it down since, unless you count watching someone else play it, a tactic to gain more Mario cart players or courses to play! Brooks is bouncing around from toy to toy and the Elmo Live thinga-ma-jig held his attention for a minute. Oh well...some things ya get right, others ya don't! Overall, it was a fabulous Christmas with family gathering at our house for a meal. Our food was yummy and plentiful and we had seating for just about everyone, which was awesome to me! The only things that could have made it even better is if Nanny had been with us too :) Round 2 of visitors and Christmas brought Grammie and Shane the day after Christmas. We had a lot of fun opening presents, watching U-tube videos together and playing skeeball at Chuck-E-Cheese! Its so fun to let go and be a kid sometimes. Dave, Amy and the kids came for a visit a little later in the week. We took all the kids to one of our favorite parks and we also went to the Air and Space Museum in Chantilly for the first time. Pretty neat stuff...but a very tired crew!
I'd say we had a pretty good Holiday season and an overall great year. I feel truly blessed to belong to such a wonderful family and to have such great friends in my life. The hardest part of the year was saying "good-bye" to my Big little man as he entered into Kindergarten. No longer was he all mine, I suddenly had to share him with others. Of course I know this is just the way things go, but I miss him just the same.
Happy New Year Everyone!
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