Sweet, Intelligent and Independent...those are the words that best describe Brooks at age 2. You don't mind playing on your own, but definitely prefer to play with your big brother. We went to Chik-fila for your birthday tonight where you climbed to the top, with Cole's help, of a gigantic play structure. I was concerned you'd get up there and change your mind, you looked down and laughed and kept going up, up, up! What a big boy you've become. You are a pro at blowing out candles and you have new words daily. "Emmy" was your new word on Monday ....Sunday's was "tackle" (as you tackled Cole!). Tuesdays word was "apple" and I think you were asking for "tea" at dinner tonight. I also loved the squeal of absolute glee when I asked if you wanted a milkshake after dinner. My favorite birthday gift you received were the coolest high top Converse sneakers ever....yours, well that is to be determined but a sock monkey that Pap and Susan got you is becoming a quick favorite.
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