I know I'll have lots of fun.
Lots of things to make and do,
Reading, writing, counting, too.
Kindergarten, here I come!
I know I'll have lots of fun.
The day I have looked forward to and dreaded all at the same time is finally here. In the middle of the summer, when you and your brother had me at whit's end, I had to remind myself that these were our last weeks together and very soon you'd be off to school and Brooks and I would be wondering what to do with each other. Oh how we are going to miss you!
You are so excited to start school. I don't even think you'll cry tomorrow when Daddy, Brooks and I walk you to the front door. You'll be armed with your backpack and your lunchbox. Mommy packed you a PB&J cut into a dinosaur shape....I hope you like it. At orientation you met your teachers and said they were both nice. You explored your classroom with lots of anticipation and acted as if all that was new was going to be a breeze. You were timid to introduce yourself to any of your classmates but that will come with time.
I'm proud of you buddy! I'm proud of your confidence. I'm proud of how brave you are to be starting this new, big experience. I'm happy that you are excited. I'm sad to be parting with our past routines. I will miss hanging out with you on the couch in the morning watching cartoons. I will miss my personal shopper during our excursions to Target. I will miss taking you the the park. Alas, I know we will have new routines, better routines. Just remember as you begin this new adventure~ Mommy loves you and oh by the way, I am perfectly fine with your idea from dinner today. You had the biggest smile on your face as you announced that you are moving back home after you finish college. You are always welcome even if Daddy says he is changing the locks!
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