Today was the perfect day...not that anything special happened. In fact, I still have a touch of a cold and can barely breath out of my nose, but the weather Gods were on our side, the to-do list was small (at least the "have to-do" part) and with nothing in particular on our agenda the boys and I set off for a leisurely afternoon at Kidwell Farm. Brooks is fascinated by the animals. The sheep were fascinated by us! There were baby cows, baby pigs...I thought the spring time was baby time on a farm? It was really neat to see Brooks toddling around the gravel paths and a little difficult to keep him out of digging in ...well everything... and on a farm who knows what that could be! Cole felt the need to bring home a souvenir rock. I bet it is long forgotten now that he is home but while we were thing it was oh-so-important.
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