Wow, mid-Feb already! The last few weeks have been a blur. We've been in the midst of the most crazy weather pattern since I can remember in the DC area. We're up to 40+ inches of snow this year from 2 major storms. The latest of the two sent us packing for a no-snow zone, so we went to visit Scott and Allison in Chesapeake. Luckily when we headed back up to DC, the roads were clear and our wonderful neighbors had shoveled our driveway! Thanks Mike and Phuong :) A small snow, 5 or so inches, followed a day or two later but that seemed like a piece of cake after the big ones. Cole and Craig enjoyed going out to play in it, attempting to build a fort and a snowman (not wet snow so it wasn't successful). Cole missed an entire week of preschool as a result. All that being said we are more than anxious to get out of the house especially since we seem to be passing a winter cold back and forth to one another. I cannot wait till the spring in hopes that we will no longer be sick and we can get outside ~ sans jackets!
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