Friday, January 05, 2007

To be a kid again...

We are so sorry we haven't posted in so long. The holidays kept us quite busy. Cole's first Christmas was at his Pap's in Alexandria on the Saturday before Christmas. On Sunday, Christmas Eve, we packed up and headed to York, PA to spend several days with Craig's family. Monday brought on Christmas #2, with Craig's brother's family including Dave, Amy, Connor & Blake as well as Cole's grandparents...Pap and Grandma Denise and Great grandma Lena. Tuesday brought on Christmas #3 with Cole's other grandma, Carol, and 2 uncles, Shane and L.J. Cole is one lucky little boy. Of course, the most fun part, in Cole's eyes, was the ribbons and the wrapping paper :)

New Years was low key this year...not because we wanted it to be but Cole came down with a nasty cold that kept us in the house for 5 days. Of course the addition of 3 more teeth in one week didn't help the situation either!

Anyway...we do wish you all a Happy New Year.....with much luck, prosperity, and love for the coming year.

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