Wow…I can’t believe our little guy is 5 months old already!
To the little one’s dismay, mom dragged baby outside for his monthly portrait.
It’s amazing, but he finally seems to be cooperating with her incessant picture taking and even smiled for a few!
It was a nasty Saturday in Virginia but the weather held out for a quick session on the neighbor’s front lawn…where we hear they are going to start charging a sitting fee J
Okay so is this going to be your fall photo? I love it. Cole is starting to look a lot like his daddy. I miss my Va family. I wish the kids could grow up together, I guess I just have to keep coming to visit. Keep Blogging.
He is truly adorable (I'm not related, I can judge). 3 month old Avery is already giving me those "Awww Mom!" looks when I bring out the camera!
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