So i knew this would happen eventually, particularly now that i'm back to work. I knew i'd eventually miss out on some life changing experience of Cole's, that my mom would be the first to see. Cole turned over yesterday. This is a big thing for a 4 month old...and his mother. I tried with all my might to get him to do it again in the evening...no show for the mama...guess i'll just have to wait a little longer.
Hey guys! Looks like the little man is coming along quite well. I can't wait to hear more about him, especially if he turns out to be a Redskins or Steelers fan....Hope to see you at the wedding next month!
Congratulations again!
Yeah! So glad you're blogging. We'll be sure to tune in...he's so cute! Avery is 2 months now. No rolling yet...phew!
Erin (& Greg)
He is a cute little guy! Love the pictures Barry sent out, too. Isn't he growing so fast? And the changes that happen, there is something new everyday! It's amazing!
Sue Lugger
Trish he is adorable. I guess I have to be next to do one of these blog sites. Funny thing Allie just started to suck her thumb. I wonder if Jon has anything to do with this?
Trish and Craig,
Wow, blogging...Chris is quite proud of your techy skills! Your little man is quite the handsome devil. Our boys will be tossing the football to each other in no time!
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