Thursday, December 17, 2009

O where, O where...

…has my newborn gone? Time is a flyin lately. Brooks is already 8 weeks old and its nearly time for Tiff’s new little one, Breon-Leigh, to be here. We are anxiously awaiting her arrival and hoping that she’ll make her appearance before the end of the year.

Cole ended preschool for the year and so we have been at home filling our time with making holiday cookies, painting ornaments, and doing our holiday shopping. His preschool class put on one adorable show on the last day. Poor Emmy refused to even go up on the stage! Cole surprised us once again by not only participating but also belting out Christmas carols in the loudest voice he could muster.

We have also been to two breakfasts with Santa this season, one at Cole’s school and the other at DC’s Hard Rock Café. Both were chaotic but fun opportunities for Cole to tell the jolly ole’ guy what he wanted for Christmas, but Cole wouldn’t speak a word either time.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Six Weeks

Our little Brooksy hit the 6 week mark today! I'm amazed he has been in our lives for that long, it feels like yesterday that he was still in my belly :) Brooks is doing great and last week when I weighed him he was a whopping 9.5 lbs! Not that I want to make a habit of comparing our two boys but I don't remember Cole hitting the 10 lb mark until much much later! Brooks is much more awake to the world now, spending a lot of his time sitting or laying quietly and checking our his environment. He has a mellow, laid-back personality that I already love! I am hoping we can begin to space night time feedings apart a little but for now he's waking me up every 3 hours with a slight whimper (as if it were impolite to cry in the middle of the night!). Cole loves his little brother and is a huge help. He particularly likes to help with bath time, which Brooks seems to love. He lets out a big sigh everytime we put him in the water.

Thursday, November 26, 2009


Happy Thanksgiving! We have so much to be thankful for this year. Family is the thing that sticks out most in my mind. I am thankful that everyone has been relatively healthy. I am thankful my dad has found happiness again. I am thankful that I have such a wonderful husband who has supported us financially for an entire year and although not by choice, that I have been able to stay home with Cole. I am thankful that Cole has loved preschool and has blossomed as a result of going. I am thankful to have experienced another pregnancy (with my sis at that!) and the end result was a beautiful, healthy little boy. I'm still not sure our family is complete but it sure feels good for now. I hope everyone has a wonderful day...with their family.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Better Late Than Never

Happy Halloween to all! I have the best intentions as far as the blog is concerned...well as far as everything is concerned...but it's been hard to get to it all lately. I cannot image why! What have we been up to? We spent half of our Halloween day standing in line to get the H1N1 vaccine and the other half decorating cookies, carving our pumpkin, and finally trick-or-treating. The weather didn't cooperate in the evening, so our door to door time was cut short but it was probably plenty for 3 year old Cole and honestly for me too!

Cole continues to be a good big brother. Last week was our first at home without Craig and Cole was a good helper...most of the time :) He had his fair share of tantrums as a result of not meeting his needs immediately!

Brooks seems to be growing by the second! He is slowly awakening out of his newborn slumber and testing out his lungs quite often now. Despite telling myself that its okay for him to cry, I run at every whimper. I think he's in the midst of his 3 week growth spurt because he seems to be doing nothing except eating! I'm wondering if he's going to be bigger than his big brother because he's already outgrown all of those newborn clothes (and I seem to remember Cole being in them for a long time!).

Lastly, we said a sad goodbye to our family pet, Flower, on Sunday. She took her last breath, or tweet, as we sat in the living room with her feeding Brooks. I cried as if she were my child (well she was!). We buried her in the backyard, under a stepping stone, so that she will always be with this house...a house where Craig and I began our family together. She's seen so much with, grad school, marriage and the birth of both of my babies...I will miss her a lot.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Boys in my House

There are boys in my house – and Spiderman shoes
And 200 papers in various blues.
There's Bob (he's a builder) and Thomas the Train,
There's a fireman coat to wear in the rain.
They have cars on their shirts and frogs on their hats
There's a glove and a ball and a red plastic bat.
There's dirt on a face and a smudge on a nose;
Grass stains on knees and sand between toes.
There's bathtime at night with bodies to scrub,
And when we're all done there is dirt in the tub!
There's bandaids and bruises and curious bumps,
There's smiles and laughter and sometimes there's grumps.
There's odors most icky; there's boogers so green
There's more yucky things than I'll ever get clean.
There's piles of laundry; there's stories at night;
There's bedtime and bathtime and dinnertime fights.
There's cars and there's trains and there's books about trucks
There's Scoop, Lofty, Dizzy, and Travis, and Muck.
Sometimes there are bugs, and sometimes there are frogs;
Sometimes they are lions, or dinos, or dogs.
There are cute little vests and darling neckties
Dragged right through the mud – oh what a surprise!
There's running and climbing and jumping and falling
And laughing and crying and hugging and brawling
And rolling and losing and finding and creeping
And whining and stealing and sometimes there's sleeping.
There's tantrums and time outs and extra loud noise –
There's love in my house shaped like two little boys.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

And Then There Were Two

Our family of three has officially expanded to a family of four! The birth of our second son, Brooks Logan, began on Saturday night shortly after Craig and I had finished watching a movie. In his usual fashion, the baby was very active that night and I wasn't quite sure if I was uncomfy due to his movement or something else! It became clearer as the night went on that although irregular, those were indeed contractions. I encouraged Craig to try and get some sleep, just in case! At about 3 a.m. the contractions got heavy enough to start breathing through them. I could still talk through them so I called the midwife on duty and she assured me that we still had lots of time and that I should try and get some rest until everything got really regular and really uncomfortable. It didn't take long! By 5 a.m. I was really sure "this was it" and called in my mom to care for Cole. Craig and I arrived at the hospital shortly after 6 a.m. and by that time contractions were every 2-3 minutes and intense. I think I had 5 while I tried to fill out the paperwork at the L&D counter! Once I finally got to a room, I was 8cm dilated and it was nearly showtime....too late for any Nubane and since I didn't want an epidural, things were only going to get more painful. Craig was a great coach and we found a position that got us both through the more painful contractions. Before I knew it, it was time to push and Brooks fought his way into the world in 10 minutes from the time I started pushing! He weighed a hefty 7lbs 7 oz and was 21" long. It was very surprising to me considering I only gained 15 lbs the entire pregnancy...where was he hiding?

Cole unfortunately had to meet his new brother the next day in the lobby of the hospital, due to very strict visitation policies caused by the H1N1 flu. In the car he commented how small his new brother was and how cute :) I think they got off to just the right start. Today, Tuesday, Cole got to tell his preschool class that he's a new big brother. We hear from his teacher that he told his friends with great enthusiasm and the typical Cole fluttering of hands and hopping up and down.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

the Waiting Game

As we count down the days (wow!) until the next little man arrives, Cole and I have been hanging out and running last minute errands. He's asking some pretty funny questions lately about his little is he going to cry when I sleep and will he knock over my toys? We've also been painting pumpkins and attending as many fall festivals as we can. Cole is loving preschool and asks daily if it's a school day! I love to hear about his day, his snack and his new friends while there...even if I do miss him :) There isn't much on our future agenda, since we are waiting, but I'm sure it will be filled with fun, laughter and smiles as long as Cole is along.

Friday, October 02, 2009

Fall Fun

One of our fall activities so far has been a trip to Cox Farms in Centerville. This was our first trip there and boy was it worth it. It is still early fall so the weather is beautiful (actually hot!) but so nice to spend the day outdoors with the people you love. Erin, Carl and Ella accompanied us on our day of fun at the farm, where we rode the slides to our hearts content, went on a hayride and drank yummy apple cider. We are hoping that this is the first of many festivals that we will be attending this fall. With the upcoming arrival of the new little guy we are attempting to stay close to home...but just not too close.
Last weekend we hosted a party to welcome our new little guy, and aunt tiffy's new little girl. Our little pumpkin hasn't accepted the invite yet but he's still got another 2 weeks or so to "bake".

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

First day of Preschool

Cole's first day of preschool went without too much of a hitch. I was most concerned with getting him moving this morning but he seemed to understand that we had a place to be and that he would want to go to that place. I walked him into his class, after begging him to wear his backpack, and then he wouldn't take it off! He was quickly engrossed in playing and I was long forgotten. I stayed for a few minutes to watch him and when I decided to leave, I barely got a wave. It didn't hit me till after I left that this is the first time I've left him with a non-family member and I was a little afraid (for me and him).
At pick up time, one of his teachers let me know that he had a little collision on the playground and as a result cried. The first thing he said to me in the car was, "Mommy, I fell on the playground and I cried. Where were you?" I've never had to answer to him like that and I can't say that I liked it. Despite the minor incident, Cole told me he had lots of fun with storytime, where all the kids got in a circle and sat down to listen. They also had grapes, cookies and nice, cold water (according to Cole) for snack time. He was also excited to tell me that he sang the Happy Birthday song while he washed his hands and at the end he kissed his hands, just like the teacher told him to. I think Cole is going to learn lots of fun things at school.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Savoring the alone time

So this week, more than ever, it has hit me that the new one will be here very soon. While I am completely overjoyed by the prospect of another little boy in our home, I am so sad that Cole will no longer be an only child that I have begun to cry about it...on a daily basis! I'm sure he has no true idea of whats to come. Cole is merely excited at the prospect of having a friend to play with, watching movies with mommy and new baby on the couch, and running and jumping with his new brother, all things he has told me that he would like to do with the arrival of his baby brother.
While it has always been important to me to have quality time with Cole, at least as much as possible minus the cooking, cleaning, etc required to run a house, that quality time seems so much more important right now. Yesterday, we went to the library twice! Although there isn't much on our agenda today, I am going to be sure that we have lots of playtime, snuggling, and tickling before the day is over.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Winding down the number of days before Cole is no longer an only child wind down, we are trying to cram in as much fun as we can. Last weekend we went on a family outing to Annapolis, where Cole spent the entire day hunting for Captain Richard (a story for another blog post). This weekend we caught up with some friends of ours...twice...for a weekend full of fun. On Saturday, Cole and I began our day at the Farmer's Market. We then headed up to Bethesda to meet up with our friends Erin and Ella for an afternoon at the spray jets in downtown Silver Spring. Cole was disinterested in running through the water but he was a trooper at watching Ella play :) The two of them were so cute conversing about their Disney experiences like two big people.
In the evening, Craig, Cole and I threw together a picnic dinner and ate in down by the river. Cole wanted to bring the play-doh along and I figured what the heck...much easier to clean up the mess. It was actually a lot of fun. There is also a playground close to where we were sitting so Cole got to play for a little while with his dad.
On Sunday evening we met up with Erin, Ella and Carl for some fun at Gravelly point, where the planes come into National Airport. We love going there to watch the planes and it was even more fun to do it with good friends. Cole and Ella romped around and played with Cole's stomp rocket while the adults stuffed their faces :)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The littlest snitch

Cole has reached the age where I cannot tell him anything nor let him be a part of anything that shall remain a secret. When I asked whether he'd like to take cupcakes to Daddy at work for his birthday, of course he said yes, and then he told Craig! It's a good thing I did the present purchasing and dessert selection for tonight without him :)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Summer Adventures

Our final adventure of the summer took us to Ocean City to spend a few days at the beach with our friends Scott and Allison. Scott's aunt hooked us up with an awesome beach front condo, which was totally key with Cole in tow. The waves were a little rough for Cole to manage so we spent most of the time playing in the sand. I read a book and relaxed, hoping to capture one last image of the beach before the birth of baby #2 (a must for relaxing during labor sans drugs!). We also went to the boardwalk and Cole rode some of the kiddie rides. Another evening he was co-pilot to Craig during a go-cart ride. Of course, the highlight of that adventure was the trip to Candy Kitchen afterward where he picked lego shaped sweetarts and a candy necklace as treats.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Road Tripin'

What an adventure we just returned from! Tiff and I decided since we both had the summer off we would pack up the kids, sans husbands, and road trip to Michigan to visit our extended family. Surprisingly the kids handled the 10+ hour car trip very well and we arrived safely and in one piece to our destination outside of Detroit. We spent 3 days hanging out and letting the kids play with each other, which they did beatifully. We will miss all the playmates now that we are home. We also ventured to a spray park, a dairy farm (yummy ice cream) and attended Hannah's 2nd birthday party complete with pinata, pool, hot tub and marshmallow roasting by the fire pit. It was wonderful to see our family once again and we look forward to the next time that we can meet up.

Baby bumps

It somehow seems weird to take photos of just me and my belly bump so I asked Cole to join in and he happily obliged! I love this pic and will cherish it forever :) It's amazing to imagine that in 82 days our next little man will arrive. Cole has taken to my pregnancy better than I expected. I can't help but get a giggle out of his reaction to my ever increasing belly and inquiring how the baby is going to get out. He knows a doctor will do it (well actually a midwife but close enough) and that the baby will be messy when it arrives. He also thinks we should name the baby Clifford or Dumbo or something along those lines! The one thing that he has had difficulty with is my inability to hold him. He is a very loving little boy and likes to be held or carried places....both being difficult with a basketball attached to my front!

Monday, July 06, 2009

Just Beachy

We've had a busy end of June and early July, with Mommy and Daddy leaving Cole with Grandma and Pap while they attended Hollie and Sean's wedding in Dallas and then immediately after a trip to Virginia Beach to visit Scott and Allison for the Fourth of July. In his usual fashion, Cole took it all in stride and did amazingly well without us. I am also extremely happy and proud to announce that Cole is potty trained! We're working on the night time stuff right now but in most cases he wakes up dry. I just can't express how proud I am of him and how well he has to get rid of the treats!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day '09

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
Every Father's Day we take a silly "impression" photo of our daddy. This year Cole actually wanted to wear Daddy's shoes and tie...but his expression wasn't nearly as cute as when i had to force him to do it. Happy Father's Day to all the "daddies" in our lives. To celebrate, we took our Daddy to see UP as our first family movie in the theater.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Mommy's too fat

....just thought I'd write a quickie for a "coleism" that I just loved! Today I was explaining to Cole that when the weather gets hot that we need to hurry and get him in his seat so that Mommy can get up to the front to put on the A/C as fast as possible (he is sooooo slow at not only getting in his seat but he doesn't help AT ALL with the straps or buckling). Sometimes, mostly when its raining, I will hop up to the front without getting out of the car (a real bonus to being a "small" person) but today Cole pointed out to me that, "Mommy is too fat to go to the front that way", as he pointed to the space between the front seats. Thanks pal for pointing that out...thanks!

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Boot Camp

...potty training boot camp to be more specific. Yesterday Cole and I began what I hope to be the beginning of the end...of diapers! We had a couple of errands to run in the morning so the start of boot camp was to begin post naptime. One of our stops was Target to choose a prize for the end of the week, if and only if it proves to be a successful week. We also bought a book about going to the potty, some new improved treats (jelly beans weren't enticing enough anymore)and lastly, a potty timer. Who knew there was such a thing (there really isn't but Cole believed me). A good ole kitchen timer to count down the minutes when we HAD to try to go potty again. Our 1/2 day start was a good one with no accidents up to bedtime. Today is a different story. I am truly understanding that if there is no timer he will just pee (or worse) on himself. I know that its nonsense to think that we will get through the training exercise accident free but I know now why I've put this off for so is no fun. Cole is already anti-timer, hiding it at every chance he gets, and he sat beside the potty today and did #2...BESIDE it! Why couldn't he have just moved over 12 inches and pulled down his pants? Shortly after that I decided to let him tell me when he had to go....accident again. Ugh!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Our biggest news of the Spring didn't even make it to the blog yet! As most of you already know, Cole is going to be a big brother in October. Our family is anxiously (but patiently) awaiting the arrival of Baby Boy #2. Although slightly bummed that a little girl didn't complete our family this time around, I am thrilled that Cole will have a brother to play with, pick on, or otherwise torture for the rest of his life. But really....I know what the bond of sisters feels like and I can only imagine that brothers are no different and for that I am so thankful.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Birthday Boy

It's so hard to believe that 3 years ago today Cole came into our lives. Now that his big day is here, there will be one last celebration of the Big 3 with pizza and cake at Nanny's tonight but the real festivities were over the weekend with a pinata, cake, and unending presents with our family and friends. Leading up to his birthday, Cole would always say, "Mommy, this is going to be the best birthday ever". I just hope it was...for this year.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Say What?

Easter Egg Excitement

Cole couldn't wait for the official Easter Egg Hunt at Nanny's on Easter Day. We've been practicing for weeks now but the "real" day was finally here and Cole was prepared with basket in hand. The first excitement of the day was an Easter basket full of bouncing balls, marbles and oh yea, candy! The Easter Egg hunt began after our midday meal and the kids couldn't wait to hunt the over 200+ eggs that Maw-Maw filled and hid for them. What a great grandma!

Monday, March 23, 2009

My gifted child

On the way to Nanny's house we pass a major construction site, where Cole is always interested to see what the workers are up to. If they aren't on the job he wants to know why and if they are, he wants to know what they are doing. On this particular day, there were several men on the job site and most were gathered around the footings of what appears to be an upcoming sound wall. As usual Cole wanted to know what they were doing so I put it simply, "they are building a wall". He replied, "For Humpty Dumpty?" and I couldn't help but chuckle to myself. I later shared this story with Cole's Aunty Tiffy and she said that his connection was very good and was a actually a sign of giftedness. I'm not sure where he's getting that from since I am more than positive that there is at least one (or more likely several) improper uses of English in this post as well as a non-existent word or two!

Friday, March 06, 2009

Growing Hearts

They say that absence makes the heart grow fonder and while that may be true, I have lately found that the more time I spend with our little man, the bigger my heart grows for him. I am so happy at the little person that he is turned into (not that there aren't bad days!) Here is a pic of our cutie at the St. Patty's Day festivities in Old Town. His favorite part of the parade were the dancing ladies :) (not those kind but the Irish dancing kind!)

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Oh Man

Cole has really enjoyed playing trains recently. He loves, most of all, the battery operated Thomas and James engines that he received for Christmas. He loves to load them up and make them really work for their there was a little accident as he was helping one of them up the incline and he pushed a little too hard. "Oh man," he said. It's one of his favorite phrases right now so I was happy to capture it :)

Monday, February 23, 2009

Hockey Time

Cole, Craig, Scott, Allison and I all went to Cole's first hockey game on Sunday. We had lots of fun while Scott and Allison stayed for the weekend and we finally had a place for visitors to Cole's big boy bed. Sadly for most of our crew, the Pens lost, but I was happy that the Caps won!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Happy Times....Sad Times

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
Cole and I have been making the best of my layoff by scheduling lots of playdates and other activities at home. Play-doh and painting are our favorite pastimes. Beautiful weather has set in the last few days so we've headed outside to enjoy the 60 degree days. On the other end of the spectrum, we were very sad to say our goodbyes to our beloved family dog, Toni, last Friday night. Toni lived a long and happy life and I've loved her like no other dog. While it was a difficult decision for my dad to make, I am sure sure that Toni is in heaven with Nancy and they're having a grand ole' time.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A New Day

Cole, Craig and I made it down to Market Square today to view the swearing in of our 44th President. This is the first Presidential Inauguration that Cole will see in his lifetime. I love the way he says our now President's his cute toddler way and almost as if he enjoys saying it. As I put him down to bed last night, I explained that tomorrow was a special day that we would have a new president. He looked up at me and questioned "Bawwack Obama?". Good boy was all I could say.

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Disney Days

Merry Christmas

A very abnormal Christmas this Florida. We enjoyed a balmy, 80 degree Christmas Eve on Fort Myers Beach. Cole enjoyed playing in the sand and playing with his "friends" Kristen and Brittany. We loved staying with Grandad at his house and having dinner with the entire family each night. Cole also got to pick oranges off of Grandad's tree...they were delicious. Next stop...Disney!